If you’re struggling with excess oil and acne, it can be really tempting to reach for the more active or balancing cleanser. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with using these, they can sometimes end up stripping the skin and cause the skin to produce more oil to compensate.
When it comes to cleansing, oily cleansers don’t make skin more oily. Instead, what they do is help remove all the excess oil on the skin. The oils from your makeup, sebum, food and sweat build up throughout the day and sit on the skin. If not properly addressed, this can lead to clogged pores and breakouts (no thanks!), so cleansing with an oil or balm is an important part of this process. Like-dissolves-like, so by reaching for an oil based cleanser, you’re going to dissolve the hardened oil and gunk in your pores. It’s best to gently remove this step of your cleanse with a damp cloth to ensure it’s all wiped away before moving on.